Basée en France

Why did Juba power station stop production in 2015?

The SSEC run Juba Power Station also stopped production in 2015 due to fuel crisis and inoperable machines. A whopping 82.77% of the respondents say they are not satisfied with the energy sources they have. Factors responsible for this include high demand and incredibly low power supply.

Does Juba have a power grid?

Juba The Juba Power grid network is old and needs a serious overhaul. It is not uncommon to see fallen wooden electrical poles along major roads within the city. The old Juba grid is small and has been overtaken by the rapid growth of the city. This has left many residential areas in the city, especially the newly established, unconnected.

How much electricity does Juba consume a day?

We find that households and institutions in Juba consume on average a total of 2.2 MWh of electricity per day. This figure appears high for a daily average consumption because it has been skewed by big institutional consumers such as ministries and businesses.

Do people in Juba still use charcoal?

14 Deng, a Master’s student from the University of Nairobi, in his 2013 study, established that 63% of households in Juba have access to electricity based on a survey he conducted for his Master’s thesis. 82.77% of these expressed being unsatisfied. This dissatisfaction explains also why 74.16% of the households still use charcoal.

Is solar more expensive than a diesel generator in Juba?

From the results in Table 13, it appears more expensive to buy a watt of solar than a watt of diesel powered generator but if you add the cost of grid extension, repairs and fuel, it can become self-evident as to why the residents of Juba have shifted to solar and neighborhood micro grids as previously mentioned.

Does Juba have a micro grid?

As would be seen later in the results section, some households and businesses in Juba have been using micro-generation or neighborhood micro grid since SSEC stopped supplying electricity in 2015. In the region, Ethiopia and Kenya use this model to produce and distribute power.

Impact of Natural Gas Peak Shaving on High-Quality Economic

The results show that natural gas storage and peaking directly promote high-quality economic development and have a positive spatial spillover effect on high-quality …

shaving emissions at LNG peak shaving facilities

The 1.5 billion cubic feet gas storage facility, based on conventional peak shaving technology, emits approximately 20,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO 2 e) …

Dynamic characteristics and economic analysis of a coal-fired …

The rapid economic and social development of the past few decades has resulted in the widespread use of fossil fuels, causing significant environmental pollution and greenhouse gas emissions [1] response to this issue, numerous governments globally have initiated programs with the objective of ensuring energy security for production by leveraging renewable …

Impact of Natural Gas Peak Shaving on High-Quality Economic

Gas storage and peaking have mature development models in the international arena, and China is making every effort to develop this system. This study reveals the impact and promotion of natural gas storage and peaking technology on high-quality economic growth in different regional economic environments through sample data from 30 provinces in China, …

Performance and economic of the thermal energy storage …

The choice between water and ice TES for TIC was examined by Ameri et al. [5] to improve the power output of two 37.5 MW and two 16.6 MW turbines that lost up to 30% of their capacity during the ...


JOVO energy is an integrated large-scale group providing clean energy in Chinese gas industry, focusing on midstream and downstream. Our energy products include LPG and LNG; …

Impact of Natural Gas Peak Shaving on High-Quality Economic

Gas storage and peaking have mature development models in the international arena, and China is making every effort to develop this system. This study reveals the impact and promotion of natural gas storage and peaking technology on high-quality economic growth in different regional economic environments through sample data from 30 provinces in China, from 2006 to 2022. …

ENERGY | Flexible Load Participation in Peaking Shaving and …

Then, the lower level comprehensively considers the load characteristics of industrial load, energy storage, and data centers, and then establishes a lower-level flexible …

A novel conceptual design of LNG-sourced natural gas peak …

In this paper, a novel concept about LNG-sourced natural gas peak-shaving with gas hydrates as the medium is proposed for the first time, in which the LNG gasification, the …

Economic Analysis of Energy Storage Peak Shaving

Download Citation | On May 27, 2022, Junhui Li and others published Economic Analysis of Energy Storage Peak Shaving Considering Full Life Cycle Cost | Find, read and cite all the research you ...

The real cost of deep peak shaving for renewable energy …

High penetration of renewable energy brings a significant challenge to the peaking ancillary services providers. In northern China, coal-fired units still play a significant …

SNG Solutions

LPG/propane truck unloading and storage facilities; LPG/propane vaporizer; Liquid pump (for transferring LPG from tanks to vaporizer) Air compressor; Synthetic natural gas mixer (for combining compress ed air with LPG) TansTech Energy designs propane air peak shaving facilities for natural gas utilities and large industrial natural gas users.

Adaptability Assessment of Hydrogen Energy Storage System …

Download Citation | On Sep 10, 2021, Yang Fuyuan and others published Adaptability Assessment of Hydrogen Energy Storage System Based on Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell under the Scenarios of ...

Joint Peak Shaving Energy Consumption Optimization Model and …

Pumped-storage and coal-fired power units can be used as basis for decision making of peaking shaving mode. View . Show abstract. An allocative method of hybrid electrical and thermal energy ...

Adaptability Assessment of Hydrogen Energy Storage System …

With China already committing to peak carbon dioxide emissions before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060, the evolution of the power system to a high-proportion new energy power system will be accelerated. The randomness and volatility of wind and photovoltaic power generation have brought challenges to the safe and stable operation of the power grid. The …

Le secteur du gaz naturel en Afrique prend de l''ampleur en 2024

Le projet de développement du gaz naturel liquéfié (GNL) récemment signé dans la province sud-africaine de Mpumalanga est une étape prometteuse sur le long chemin de la …

Impact of Natural Gas Peak Shaving on High-Quality Economic …

Gas storage and peaking have mature development models in the international arena, and China is making every effort to develop this system. This study reveals the impact and promotion of natural gas storage and peaking technology on high-quality economic growth in different regional economic environments through sample data from 30 provinces in China, from 2006 to 2022. …

Natural gas market and underground gas storage development in …

Consequently, gas storage facilities are necessary to store the remaining natural gas in the summer and redistribute it in winter. In addition, according to the management experience of the NGM in the developed countries, it is necessary to build strategic reserve facilities when the external dependence of a country''s NGM is larger than 30% [33]. In …

Peaking shaving energy model for combined optimization of …

Through describing the status quo of farmland drainage and irrigation and starting from the optimized perspective,the thesis presents a peak shaving energy optimized model for combining pumped storage power and coal-fired power unit considering farmland drainage and irrigation. GAMS software is used to obtain solution of the model as well. Example shows that farmland …

Research on the Optimal Scheduling Strategy of Energy Storage …

With the trend of large-scale development of distributed photovoltaics, the problems of frequent start-up and shutdown of units and wind abandonment caused by grid-connected distributed ...

Performance and economic analysis of a molten salt furnace …

A new peaking system utilizing a molten salt furnace energy storage system coupled with a blast furnace gas thermal power unit in a steel mill is proposed, which stores excess blast furnace gas thermal energy in molten salt and releases the thermal energy for power generation during peak power demand. The heating efficiency of 74.57% is experimentally …

Hybrid power plant for energy storage and peak shaving by …

In a previous work we already showed the profitability of using liquid air energy storage for creating a hybrid plant able to help compensating the fluctuating nature of the renewable sources and ...

Natural gas market and underground gas storage development in …

The gas storage cost includes invest costs and reasonable returns. In order to promote the development of natural gas storages, the developed countries also use the market-oriented pricing method to determine the price of gas storage services. The market-oriented gas storage price should be closely scrutinized by price regulatory authorities. The lower limit of the …

Energy Storage Capacity Configuration Planning Considering …

New energy storage methods based on electrochemistry can not only participate in peak shaving of the power grid but also provide inertia and emergency power support. It is necessary to analyze the planning problem of energy storage from multiple application scenarios, such as peak shaving and emergency frequency regulation. This article proposes an energy …

Analysis of energy storage demand for peak shaving and …

Currently, to handle the uncertainty of high-permeability systems of RE, the use of ES combined with conventional units to enhance the system''s multi-timescale regulation capability has become a hot topic [27, 28] Ref. [29], to optimize the ES dispatch, an optimal control strategy for ES peak shaving, considering the load state, was developed according to …

Investment in UK peaking assets

The new Capacity Market may be set to turn UK generation investment on its head. Power plant development in the UK has historically been focused on combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) plants rather than peaking assets. CCGT have a clear efficiency advantage over peaking plants and with 30GW of existing CCGT capacity, UK merit order

Home | Energy Afrique

Energy Afrique Media Limited focuses on issues that are fundamental in bridging media coverage of the Energy sector through reportage of comparative development across the African continent. Categories . DATA 15. ELECTRICITY 304. Infographic 7. JOBS 10. OIL & GAS 1054. OPINION 23. Contact Info Suit 25, Mangal Plaza, Nouakchott Street, Wuse Zone 1, Abuja- Nigeria. …


The company owns and operates one energy comprehensive base in Lisha Island, Dongguan City, composed of one 50,000-ton wharf, 144,000 cbm LPG tanks and 160,000 cbm LNG tanks, among of which, the LNG storage facilities were listed as most important projects in natural gas emergency peaking-shaving and storage on the "13th Five-Year Plan of Guangdong Energy …

Design and performance analysis of deep peak shaving scheme …

Kezhen Zhang proposed a novel molten salt thermal storage system that integrates high temperature flue gas and superheated steam. The research findings demonstrate that when heat storage is 30 % of the total heat accumulation (THA), the thermal power output decreases from 30 % of the rated load to 14.51 %, thereby achieving effective deep peak …

Day-Ahead and Intraday Two-Stage Optimal Dispatch …

Day-ahead and intraday joint peak shaving model. (1) Day-ahead scheduling: Executed every 24 h with a time scale of 1 h, the upper-layer model aims to minimize the net load variance to determine ...

Energy storage for Load Leveling and Peak Shaving.

Download scientific diagram | Energy storage for Load Leveling and Peak Shaving. from publication: Hydrogen Energy Storage | Hydrogen Energy and Energy Storage | ResearchGate, the professional ...

Nigeria: Oil and Gas Firm Begins Construction of $500m Storage …

Energy Afrique | Nigeria: Oil and Gas Firm Begins Construction of $500m Storage Facility. Skip to content. Suit 25, Mangal Plaza, Nouakchott Street, Wuse Zone 1, Abuja- Nigeria. [email protected] November 11, 2024. Energy Afrique. Energy Afrique. About Us. Energy Afrique Media Limited focuses on issues that are fundamental in bridging media coverage of …

Africa''s Natural Gas Sector is Building Momentum in 2024

Its properties that burn cleaner than oil and coal, its abundance, its ease of storage and transport, and its applications in manufacturing and synthesis make natural gas …

Transitioning to Renewable Energy: An Analysis of Energy …

This paper updates empirical evidence on energy access in Juba, with the view of informing a possible transition to renewable sources. We conducted a comprehensive

(PDF) Optimization and utilization of peak-shaving

UGS (underground gas storage) construction in China has stepped into a new development stage after years of exploration. The eleven UGSs that have been put into production play an important role ...

Gas-Turbine Peaking Power Plants and Future Outlook

Bruce, DF, & Morrash, J. "Gas-Turbine Peaking Power Plants and Future Outlook." Proceedings of the ASME 1963 Aviation and Space, Hydraulic, and Gas Turbine Conference and Products Show. ASME 1963 Aviation and Space, Hydraulic, and Gas Turbine Conference and Products Show. Los Angeles, California, USA. March 3–7, 1963. …

Peaking shaving energy model for combined optimization of …

Download Citation | Peaking shaving energy model for combined optimization of pumped storage power plant and coal-fired power unit considering the farmland drainage and irrigation | Irrigation ...

The real cost of deep peak shaving for renewable energy …

Although with the high penetration of renewable energy, the peak-shaving capacity of coal-fired power units increases. The peaking compensation increases gradually, and the coal consumption costs of power generation is also dramatically reduced. However, the additional costs of peak-shaving of coal-fired power units are also gradually increased ...